Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Fashion Challenge - Day 1

Hi everyone,

How has your weekend been? MIne has been crazy busy, but pretty fun too. I got myself caught up on my writing (hit the 15K mark!) and drawing, and I started a major cleaning spree in my bedroom. So there should be some drawing posts as soon as I remember to take some pictures.(:

Anyway! Ashley of Bramblewood Fashion is hosting a Fall Fashion Challenge, and I thought it would be fun to participate, for as many days as I can anyway!

There's actually a kind of funny story behind this oufit post...I wanted to take all the pictures on the patio, but when we got there, we ran into a problem. A very wet problem. By our pond we have a "scarecrow" which is supposed to deter any cats or raccoons who feel like a fishy snack, and when it detects motion, it sprays water! Today, it hadn't been turned off, and as soon as I went to the patio -- I was bombarded by water! My whole back and side got wet with very cold water.

So I tried a new spot.(:

I sewed this maxi skirt for my Halloween costume (I'll show you the pictures soon!), but I plan on wearing it for many other occasions! I like the color and its versatility -- so many possible combinations!.

Outfit Details:
Maxi skirt: made by me, Cardigan: Old Navy, Scarf: Also Old Navy, Boots: Thrifted

Have a lovely day!


  1. Hi! Love the outfit!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog!

  2. Hooray for getting to re-wear bits of your Halloween costume! The Maxi skirt is very cute: I think you'll have no trouble deploying it in a bunch of different ways!

    (And congratulations on hitting 15k words! I followed you over here from Bramblewood Fashion for the Fall Challenge, but it's fun to see someone else writing: I just hit 10,000 words last night! Good luck!)

  3. I love your long brown lovely! =)

  4. Cute outfit! Your scarf looks awesome! :)
