Monday, February 21, 2011

Slightly Belated Outfit Post 2/2

Hello again,

Here is my final outfit post. I really love this outfit because it's comfy and cute, and because I made the vest myself.(:

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Isn't it sweet? It was meant to be a tank top, but somehow I made it waaaaaaaaayyyyyy too it became a sweet little vest for layering. It was very simple to make, and turned out super cute, don't you think?

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Outfit details:

Gray top - Ross
Necklace - a fair I went to last fall
Vest - made by me
Pants - same as yesterday's post - GLO c/o Fred Meyers

I've had so much fun doing this over the past week! I think it may mean doing a weekly outfit post...what do you think?(:

Slightly Belated Outfit Post 1/2

Hello Everyone,

I've really enjoyed looking at all the great outfits from last week. It was so much fun! I meant to do it every day, but then I got sick, and so I never took any more pictures and I didn't post the ones I did take. But better late than never, right?

This is the outfit I wore on Wednesday. I'm calling it my choir practice outfit.(:

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One of the songs we're working on in choir right now is Heinrich Schutz's "The Seven Words of Christ." My friend and I have been assigned the alto solo, which is the first solo I've ever done! It makes me excited and nervous at the same time.

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We're also working on sections from Handel's Messiah for Good Friday and Easter. This work is so makes me want to sing out.(:

Outfit Details:

Tank top with necklace - Goodwill
White shirt - Old Navy
Green Pants - Fred Meyers (The brand is GLO)
And although you can't see them in the photo....German combat boots c/o my mom.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Modest Fahion Week - My first outfit post!

I think it's been way over a month since I last posted....I feel like such a bad blogger! The only excuse I have for you is that I've been swamped with homework. Still, if I've had time to craft, I should have had time to take some pictures and blog about what I made. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to that, I guess!

Anyway, I'm back now, for awhile anyways! After going through the pain of writing a 19-page essay for my world issues class (that had better get a good grade!), I feel free again. Somewhat, anyways.

So, enough of my rambling. Over at Bramblewood Fashion they're doing a week of modest fashion posts, which I thought would be fun to participate in, since I love looking at other people's fashion posts!(: It's actually been raining all day, so I was happy for this little break to run outside and take some pictures. This outfit is comfy and simple, which is how I like it:

This is a funny pose...I think I look like I should be carrying something, haha. My sister says I look like Sarah Palin here...what do you think? Something to do with the hair...

And a final silly picture...I just had to take one of myself - my lovely sister took all the others.

Have a wonderful day!
~I hope your Valentine's Day is sweet~