Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Layers

Dress: Gift / Sweater: Target / Necklace: Fuego / Belt: Made by Me / Shoes: Marshall's

When the summer weather is as cool as it's been here over the past week, it calls for layering of summer classics. So I paired this lightweight jersey dress with a knit sweater from Target, then belted it with an Anthropologie-inspired belt that I had made awhile back (look forward to a tutorial later this week!). It was perfect for the cool weather, and it was easy enough to take off the sweater when the humidity started getting to me!

This week is going to be a busy one, full of frenzied sewing to finish my costume for an upcoming renaissance faire...I had wanted to go later in August, but then my aunt found a groupon that cut the price down significantly, and since the groupon was sold out for the last few weeks of the faire, we're going this weekend! And I only just started my dress! Ahhhh! But, God willing, I'll have it done in time.(;

Have any of you been working on any sewing projects this summer?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

She Wears Feathers in Her Hair {What I Wore Sunday}

Skirt: Marshall's / Top: Thrifted / Tank: Fred Meyer / Shoes: Claire's / Earrings: Fuego

These peacock feather earrings may be one of the most frivolous accessories I own, but I love them so much, even when the wind blows them all over my face, and even when they hang at awkward angles...I just love the colors and the lightweight feel, plus that unusual look! And they do match this skirt perfectly, as I discovered.

It's been quite chilly here in WA lately...our 80* weather has vanished and been replaced by clouds and rain (and we've been having some pretty spectacular thunderstorms!). My geo teacher says it's the result of a marine push. It does make it hard to dress for summer, though, when it still feels like the middle of spring! I am happy with the cool weather, however--I always pray that we have a cool summer, because I am not a fan of the heat!

I hope you all in warmer parts of the world are able to stay cool!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Warm Colors {What I Wore Sunday}

Skirt: Made by me / Tank: Old Navy / Sweater: Thrifted (by Spotted Moth) / Necklace: Claire's

You probably can't tell from the pictures, but this skirt turned out rather odd, with a very uneven hem that I didn't notice until it was too late to change my outfit! I was staying overnight babysitting my cousins and thought to try the skirt on before bed to see if my outfit plan was all right, and the very first thing I noticed was that awful hem! I didn't have any of my seeing supplies, and no pins to tack it up, but I did manage to find a tiny safety pin to tack it in place until I could fix it at home. What a blessing that I had discovered it that night instead of in the chaos of getting ready for church in the morning!

This cardigan was a very cool find...I spotted it randomly on my way out of Goodwill, laid over a rack. The knitted pattern caught my eye, and when I picked it up, I saw that not only was it my size, but it had the 50% off tag attached! Needless to say, I scooped it up immediately. The color is very different for me, but I do like its warm tones.

I hope you all are having a lovely week!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Pop of Blue {What I Wore Sunday}

Dress: Ross / Tank: Thrifted / Shoes: Thrifted / Belt: Forever21

This week seems to be going so fast! Summer school is tough, and the workload is finally getting to me. I'm relieved that I'm only taking two classes, though! And the coursework is definitely interesting.

The heat has also hit here in Washington, and we've been enjoying sunny days in the upper 80s. On Sunday, it was supposed to be about 90*, so I dressed in a cool, flowing dress that looks elegant but is also oh so comfortable! To keep the beige color from being too boring, I added a pop of blue with my new shoes and a stack of bracelets.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The First Glimpses of Summer

Last week on a bright, sunny afternoon I grabbed my camera and decided to go adventuring in the yard and see what I could see. It was a welcome break from studying, and gave me the opportunity to see our gardens in new lights and from interesting angles. My favorite part is our vegetable and berry garden, where we have ripe strawberries and lettuce growing, and will soon have blueberries and blackberries (and tomatoes and peppers as well).(:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dragonflies and Purple {What I Wore Sunday}

Dress: Gifted, Refashioned // Shoes: Thrifted

On Sunday, I wanted to dress comfortably and simply for church, and I was also eager to wear this dress that my aunt gave me. It was a bit shorter than I usually like to wear, so I took some vintage fabric and added a contrasting hem at the bottom. All right before bed on Saturday too! I am very happy with how it turned out, though! And since it's simple, it's also more versatile, and can be styled many different ways.

The dragonfly (christened "Fred" by my aunt) decided to perch itself on my aunt's hanging flower baskets one day, and posed very nicely while I snapped a few shots of him. Unfortunately, they turned out terribly grainy! Still, I love the way he looks against the bright purple background!

Oh! And I got my hair cut! It feels so short to me, but no one seems to have noticed it, so I guess it's not too drastic a change. It was in pretty bad shape before getting cut, and now I'm determined to take better care of it!(:

Have a lovely week!