Wednesday, November 13, 2013

simply dotty

//sweater: gift {from h&m} / necklace: gift / skirt + tights: JC Penney / oxfords: eBay//

I kinda love polka dots. They're just plain fun, and I especially love that they can be subtle as well as bold. I had actually been looking for a skirt like this for some time, when I happened to find it on the clearance rack at JC Penney (they seriously have the best clearance!). I actually bought it in June, planning to wear it throughout the summer, but I never got around to it, and when I saw it in my closet last night, I realized it was also the perfect fall skirt. So that's how this outfit was created...I love it because it's completely cozy, but also cute. Maybe not completely flattering, but I like it.

This week also marks the half-way point for my college classes. What. I feel like I just barely started them, and I've only just begun to get used to having school again! But at the same time, it feels like an incredible amount of time has gone by! I've learned a lot in the last few weeks. I've also set some sort of schedule in place, and I seem to be getting everything done on time, so it must be working at least a little. Now just to figure out how to fit blogging into this! 

Hope you all are having a fantastic week! If you're also in school--best wishes!

Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. You look adorable at always! I really love that necklace, it looks so neat! :)

    1. Thanks, Kristen!(: It's one of my favorite necklaces.

  2. You always look so feminine and pretty:) Thanks for all your inspirations!!

  3. Love this, Vicki! And those shoes! So cute girl!
    Your sister in Christ,
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  4. Polka dots are sooooo much fun! :D

  5. Oh, I love polka dots, too! Cute and cozy outfit! I like:)

  6. Such lovely photos, and gosh, I love me some polka dots, too. :)

    xox Sammi

  7. I LOVE polka dots. They're awesome. You're cute. Whoever takes the pictures for you does a really, really good job. Cheers!

  8. I absolutely love your blog! I am also a dreamer and your outfits give me so much inspiration. I also am homeschooled and a christian so sometimes it is hard to find fashion blogs that have modest outfits. That's why I love your blog! It proves that you can look modest and fashionable at the same time! Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks so much for the encouraging comment, Emilie!
