How had your week been? Have any of your started school again? I went back to school after a six-month break, and honestly, I forgot how much work it is! Or maybe my earlier classes were easier and less time-intensive than these...But I am excited to learn...I pray that as I get back into the swing of things, it will get easier. Last year at this time I was taking 15 credits along with doing three homeschool classes. I'm not sure how I did it! If I could do that, I can certainly do this.
Anyway! I've decided to introduce a new series on my blog, similar to What I Love Wednesday (which I will hopefully be doing more regularly...this past Wednesday was gobbled up by economics homework); Fashion Saturday. I have discovered so many wonderful images via Pinterest, and thought it might be nice to share them with you! So, let's get started!
Original Image found Here.
Lately I have been so inspired by fashions that bring back to mind the Victorian era; lace, ruffles, long skirts, and flowing blouses. Here are a few of my favorites:
Source: via Victoria on Pinterest
The length is shorter than I like, but I love the design!
Source: via Victoria on Pinterest
The lovely ladies of Downton Abbey (though this is later than the Victorian period...)
Source: via Victoria on Pinterest
Source: via Victoria on Pinterest
Source: via Victoria on Pinterest
Isn't that blouse beautiful?
Source: via Victoria on Pinterest
I love every detail of her outfit, thouh I'm still a bit unsure about the fur!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
How nice, i like the cool clicks,keep sharing :)