Monday, June 3, 2013

Vlog: My Record Collection

Hello, everyone! This week I decided to film a somewhat impromptu, slightly awkward video of my record collection. It's still pretty small at this point, but steadily growing! These are all the records I have so far...a bunch of soundtracks, some old loves, and some new favorites. I also forgot how many fun 45s I have! I'll have to put those on again one of these days.

You also get to see me with my glasses on for once! I started filming without my glasses, mostly because I don't wear them much around the house if I don't need them (I also don't like the way that the light glares on them in videos), but I had to stop recording after a few minutes to go do something that required my glasses, then I came back to finish filming and forgot I hadn't had them on earlier. Haha, oh well.

Hope you all enjoy it!
Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. I saw a bunch of old records at the antique store today! So fun!

  2. Totally neat! Vikki, those look amazing! Maybe you could show pictures of you record player?
    Love, Lexi

  3. a record collection?? that's so awesome. i dream of having a record player. :)

    i hope you have a great evening.


  4. You have a record collection, that is so cool!
    and I like your glasses!
