Monday, June 3, 2013

Vlog: My Record Collection

Hello, everyone! This week I decided to film a somewhat impromptu, slightly awkward video of my record collection. It's still pretty small at this point, but steadily growing! These are all the records I have so far...a bunch of soundtracks, some old loves, and some new favorites. I also forgot how many fun 45s I have! I'll have to put those on again one of these days.

You also get to see me with my glasses on for once! I started filming without my glasses, mostly because I don't wear them much around the house if I don't need them (I also don't like the way that the light glares on them in videos), but I had to stop recording after a few minutes to go do something that required my glasses, then I came back to finish filming and forgot I hadn't had them on earlier. Haha, oh well.

Hope you all enjoy it!
Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. I saw a bunch of old records at the antique store today! So fun!

  2. Totally neat! Vikki, those look amazing! Maybe you could show pictures of you record player?
    Love, Lexi

  3. Great post! :)

    Visit my blog? xx Miss Beatrix (

  4. a record collection?? that's so awesome. i dream of having a record player. :)

    i hope you have a great evening.


  5. You have a record collection, that is so cool!
    and I like your glasses!
