Wednesday, June 5, 2013

seeking adventure

// Dress/Tunic: JC Penneys // Blouse: Thrifted // Leggings: Cotton On // Flats: Marshalls //

More often than not, I can easily while away an entire day browsing the Internet and doing very little that I can actually consider productive. Now that my break is almost over and summer school is about to start, I want to work to change that. I want to do things, and busy myself with the things that I love doing and that I've always wanted to do.

I want to have adventures, though not the kind you find in storybooks (though, you know, a bit of that might be all right once in a while)--adventures in ordinary life. Really enjoying even just the little things, because they count, and in the end, they may make some of the best memories. I want to busy myself with doing the things that I love to do and want to do instead of lazing around on Pinterest. Instead of thinking, "Maybe someday," I want to think, "Let's try it now!" That's the kind of thing that's exciting to me.

And so, that is my new resolution: seek adventure in ordinary life.Life is beautiful, albeit imperfect. It is a real gift from God, and it deserves to be enjoyed and lived to its very fullest for His glory.
As Ellie from "Up" would say, "Adventure is out there!" You just have to be willing to look for it.

Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. I totally know the whiling away time on the Internet problem!

    I forget to even want have adventures...I prefer to run away from them.

    I loove your handbag/satchel. I want to get/make something like that except a little bigger for next semester and carry only one notebook for all classes for the day, so I don't have to have a big, ugly, unstylish backpack!

  2. Yes, Adventure is out there! :) Love that line. And it's funny 'cause I've resolved to do the same thing. I've had so much fun going to antique stores and auctions around my house. I had no idea there were so many cool places so close! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  3. I like the pattern on your leggings! Super cute!
    Nice outfit too!
    I so agree, it's a constant battle to keep life in check and not waste our time doing useless things.
    I recently went through my Blogger dashboard and got rid of a BUNCH of blogs, they wasted my time for the simple fact that I'd click on them just to read it, and ex out leaving with nothing extra!
    I need at least inspiration from a blog, if not encouragement. So yeah, and they also cluttered my dashboard so I couldn't read the ones I REALLY wanted to read, usually I'd miss the ones I enjoyed the most because the others posted obsessively large amounts of posts!
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  4. I totally agree about wasting time on the internet, its a constant battle for me too. I am glad so many of us can say in common lets get rid of that habit. Through Gods help I am sure we can do it! :)

    I love the dress and your leggings especially. I definitely am inspired to wear colored leggings in the future as opposed to black.

    I have really been encouraged by your blog Vicki! Keep it up.

    God bless!
