Tuesday, June 12, 2012

{Guest Post by Natasha}

Hi! My name is Natasha and I blog over at What I Wear, What I Do And Why I Did It (a modest fashion blog). I'm an 18 year old Christian Pastor's Kid (PK), thrift store junky, cheap-o, feminine dress style girl, with a desire to help other girls dress modest, yet stylish! So many people think you have to dress like a Grandma to achieve modesty-so not true! Yes, dressing modestly takes a little extra effort, but it's so worth it! A lot of people (my self included about two years ago!) think modesty is a set of rules and regulations. God really laid heavily on my heart about a year and a half to two years ago, that true modesty isn't a set of rules. Everyone's in a different place in their modesty journey. What I may feel is okay for me to wear, won't be okay for someone else. For instance, I believe knee length skirts are okay for me, a lot of girls don't believe that. That being said, here are my modesty standards:

No low cut shirts (unless accompanied by a tank top or camisole)

No skin tight shirts (tight enough to show your a woman, loose enough to show you're a lady)
No skirts above the knee (unless paired with leggings-or pants if super short) 
I also rely heavily on God to lead me. It might sound silly to some, but I believe modesty is important to God. How we dress is a big factor in how people treat us and what state our heart is in. Of course, modesty can also be a ton of fun! Modesty defines my style, yes! But in a good way! It's good to have some boundaries, otherwise you're lost in a sea of fashion trends! : ) I was super happy to find this hi-low skirt at the Burlington Coat Factory-for $6! I'd been wanting one for awhile, however $30 for a skirt is a little bit out of my price range. So this knee length in the front (also hard to find!) and long in the back skirt was a steal!
I would love if you stopped by my blog and browsed through my outfits! Thanks for letting me intrude on your blog, Vicki!
I'm Wearing: White Lace Top-Debs ($4.98) White Tank-Vanity($10), Black Belt-Maurices($5) Purple Hi-Lo Skirt ($6) Bangles-Claires($1) Flip Flops-Wal Mart($5) 

What a cute outfit! That skirt is adorable! And great tips too! Make sure you check out her blog for more lovely outfits like this! Thanks so much for posting for me, Natasha!

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