Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tie-dye Roses

I'm sorry for my absence! School's been pretty's a lot heavier workload than I'm used to. But anyway, I did make a couple little things during my 'break' from studying.

When I played around with tie-dye last week, I dyed just about every white scrap I could get my hands on with the idea of making roses. I made the roses last Friday, but hadn't done anything with them until today. I had my cousin in mind...she's about two now, and her mom has been requesting some hair accessories for awhile now. So I came up with this sweet little bow:

Kinda reminds me of Cinderella, haha.
Then I came up with this, which looks to me like a garter...but it's really a hairclip. Who knows if anyone would wear it....haha.

So maybe I'll have to make that for my wedding, haha.

What do you think, cute for a little girl? =)

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