I've shown a few examples of my collage work, where I tear apart old, useless papers and make them into hang-on-the-wall kind of pieces. My most-used medium is phone-book pages, but I had seen some other collages that incorporated old sheet music, and I had really wanted to try something like that. It had a very interesting look that I loved. So when I was on vacation, I kept an eye out for vintage sheet music. Normally they're a bit pricey, but I found some for a dollar apiece. Needless to say, I snapped that up. :D
Some of them even had pretty covers, which I would have just torn off and framed, but the ones I liked best always had tears or were faded or whatever. So I cut them up and tore up some sheet music and catalog pictures, slapped on some glue, and I was done. =)

I really love how it turned out...=)
I had to take pictures of the music before I tore it up...It has such a pretty tune! And I like the lyrics, too.

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