I can't believe that we already have an eight-month-old on our hands. I mean, only four more months and she'll be a whole year old! I feel like up until the last couple months, time really seemed to be dragging on, but then all of a sudden it sped up. Everyone I've spoken to has told me that when you have a baby, time just flies by, so you really have to try to slow down and enjoy it. But all I wanted was for time to just move faster. I struggled so much in those first few months. I had PPD, Adelaide was colicky, then just fussy, and she didn't nap. I used to count the minutes until Josh came home from work. But for some reason, from about the time she hit six months, time's sped up, and I think it's partially because there have been so many big changes during that time! Our sweet girl has grown so much!

Adelaide is totally on board with solids, which I'm so happy about! We started to introduce them at four months, but only began to be regular with them at six months. So far she's happily eaten everything that we've put in front of her, with the exception of Gerber's chicken, which honestly I don't blame her for. We recently picked up this snazzy thing called the "squeasy snacker," and it's essentially a reusable squeeze pouch that makes solids much easier, because she can basically feed herself, which she loves. We still feed her from a spoon just to make sure she gets used to it, but seriously, I'm in love with the squeasy snacker.

There have been a few big developments over the past month! For one thing, Adelaide has finally found the motivation to sit up on her own! Yay! She's found it's very nice for playing with her toys. She is also, as of last week, a beginning crawler. I say beginning because while she is moving forward, instead of her previous backwards, she's still not quite there yet. I'm less excited about this one, because it means we have to be a bit more diligent about baby-proofing, but she is quite pleased about being able to access every little thing that catches her eye. Everything. Every. Thing. Ugh. She also just started giving high fives.

She became much more vocal in month seven, and a couple weeks ago started saying "dada," and "hey." Josh and I were cracking up the other night when I picked her up and she said, "Hey, Dada." So cute, even if I am slightly offended... She also communicates by saying "ha," and the occasional shriek.
As for her struggles, she is still not doing well at church and in big social situations. I think she just gets overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds and people. The stranger anxiety is pretty strong, though she does great when we're at home and in small group settings. So far, we get through church by taking her someplace quiet during the sermon, and we try to ease her into bigger social events.
She also has two top teeth coming in, which has been a significant source of drama the past few weeks.
But for the most part, she's our sweet, happy, independent girl. She loves playing quietly with her toys and is particularly in love with the wooden spoon I gave her, and she likes watching Sarah and Duck with mama (who also enjoys watching it...it's really cute, and it's quiet and not overstimulating!). Her daddy and I can't wait to see how she develops in the next few months.
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