Saturday, December 7, 2013

long beach {part 3: fun with antiquing}

Our last two days in Long Beach we spent doing one of my favorite things--antiquing! And there are a few really good antique stores in the area (some reallyyyyy good ones). There were so many fun things to browse through, and I always love being around all the history. I brought my camera with me both days, and it got to the post where my sisters complained it was like I had never been antiquing before: "You look like a tourist, Vicki!" But I told them that "I take pictures of the things I can't afford to buy." Which is mostly true. Most of the things I gush over in antique stores are waaaaay out of my price range. And I don't have space for them all, anyway (or at least that's what I kept telling myself!). Also, I love the look, texture, and aesthetic of old, worn things. I don't know what it is, but I'm drawn to it.

One of the antique malls we discovered didn't look like much on the outside, but inside, there were shelves and shelves of beautiful old books. I think I could've spent the entire day curled up in one of the chairs reading, or even just perusing all the shelves. I ended up not buying any books, even though I carried a stack of them around with me for an hour or so, but on the way out, I spotted a shelf crammed with I snagged one of those. I'll have to do a post or video sometime soon to show y'all what I got.(:

And that was the end of our little vacation! We drove home after that last antique store, and everyday life began again at full blast. It was such fun, though, despite having to work on my assignments, and I hope we can do it again sometime soon.

 Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. How fun! I'm just getting into antiquing, and absolutely love it. I'm looking forward to seeing what you got!

  2. how Nice.. love it :) great photographs as well..
