Monday, December 23, 2013

christmas preparations + cozy sweaters

//sweater: target / scarf: target {gift} / skirt, oxfords: thrifted / tights: fred meyer//

Well, finals are finally over, and Christmas preparations are in full swing around here. Actually, I finished finals last Sunday, but I ended up taking an unexpected blogging hiatus to take a much-needed breather and catch up on life. And read The Hobbit finally, among other books. Then I ended up getting sick over the weekend, when I had planned to start up blogging again, so the break extended itself. But I'm all recovered now, and so today has been spent on a mini cleaning spree, finally getting Christmas decorations put up, and wrapping Christmas presents. 

This outfit is actually from a few weeks ago, when we were in the middle of a cold spell here in Washington. I had basically been living in sweaters, and decided to try pairing a cozy sweater with my wool skirt for added warmth for church. It fit a little snugly tucked into the skirt, but it worked, and I really liked the look, and just the overall coziness of it all. You will likely be seeing this skirt with different sweater combinations quite a bit in the near future!

Ok, now I'm going to get back to decorating. :) I hope you all are having a fantastic (and not too busy!) Eve of Christmas Eve!

Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. It's a beautiful outfit! And you look lovely as always. :)

  2. You look lovely! Isn't it nice to be done with finals? I've been doing my share of sewing and knitting, and hope to read over the break as well. Have a wonderful Christmas! :)

  3. Such pretty photos! I love the skirt, and the scarf is great, too!!

    xox Sammi

  4. you look so cute! that bag and the scarf are my favorite :)

