Thursday, August 1, 2013

neon + floral

//dress, worn as top: thrifted / skirt: thrifted + refashioned / belt: thrifted / necklace: h&m / gladiators: cotton on / nail polish: Julep's popova//

I'm really quite happy with how this outfit turned out. I had been looking for new ways to style this dress (which is one of my most worn dresses, but I don't think I've ever worn it on the blog before), and Saturday night, when pulling out an outfit for church, I happened to pull out this skirt and dress at the same time. And they matched! Or at least I thought they matched. But really, I'm very happy with how they look together. I think that the green of the leaves on the dress works well with the green of the skirt. I belted it for a more fitted look, added my favorite H&M necklace, threw on some gladiators for a more casual look, and I was ready to go.

Anyway, finals are coming up, and I am starting to panic. I have two research papers due, one this weekend, and one next weekend, and while I'm pretty much on top of the one that's due this week, I am starting to worry about the other one, which I haven't started working on at all. The teacher for that class is a pretty hard grader, so I think that's the one I'm more concerned about. He offers the opportunity to submit a draft for critique, and normally I would jump at that chance, but I think I just don't have the time. I'm praying that I do well and accomplish everything on time...without getting too stressed out!

I also want to thank all of you who commented on my previous post! I really appreciate all the positive feedback. I don't think I've ever really done a post like that before, and I hope to do more like that in the future, because I had a lot of fun with it.

Hope you all are having a great week!

Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. That is such a pretty neon skirt! And your hair looks gorgeous- like usual :)

    1. Thank you!(: haha, I rarely wear my hair like this and just threw it in a ponytail on a whim. I do like it, though!

  2. I am so glad you put which nail polish you used in the post! Gorgeous color!

    1. It's my new favorite color! I hated it at first, but it grew on me pretty quickly.(:

  3. Oh! Cute, Vicki!
    Hope your finals go well!
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

    1. Thanks, Natasha! I can't wait till they're all over! :P

  4. This skirt is gorgeous, and I love your sandals too!

    Xo, Hannah

  5. Haha, thank you! I just turned in one of two final papers, so I'm basically done with one class, which is a load off my mind. Just one more paper to go! I think this may be my first go at layering dresses and skirts, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!(:

  6. You went through school during the summer? I forgot there were summer classes. I hope your finals go well.

    I like yellow with black, it always looks so nice, and that skirt is very cute.

  7. you look great, love your skirt!
    Maybe we can follow each other via gfc and bloglovin?

  8. LOVE that skirt color!! and YOUR NAILS?! <3

    you'll do great on your finals. i just finished mine this past week. just think a BREAK after you get all that behind you. ;P

