Monday, August 13, 2012

Mustard Yellow {What I Wore Sunday}

Dress: Thrifted / Necklace: Claire's / Belt: Thrifted / Purse: Shoedazzle / Wedges: Target

Want to know something weird? I have always really disliked the color yellow. I never wore much yellow as a little girl, and I hadn't worn any throughout my teenage years. And yet...I've recently become obsessed with mustard colored things. I bought a mustard shirt, cardigan, and now this purse. I really love that it's not quite yellow, but almost more of a brown, which makes it more's almost a neutral.
I never thought I'd be won over by this color, but I definitely am now!

My weekend was sort of a mix of busy and relaxing, if that makes any sense. On Friday I finished up my final exams, and now I'm done with the community college I've been attending (yes!! I haven't exactly enjoyed my time there...) and I'm set to transfer to Regent University later this fall (I'll be doing their online program to earn my bachelor's). I'm pretty excited to start school, and more excited to have a break to do some of the things I've been wanting to get done for ages (like thoroughly cleaning and organizing my room). For me...summer break has officially begun!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

PS~ Are any of you interested in seeing photos of the costume I wore to the renaissance faire I told you about?(:


  1. Totally love your dress! Thrift store finds are the best:) And your shoes! So, so cute!!
    I've become quite fond of mustard yellow recently, although I've yet to buy anything in that color.

    Yes, please! I'd love to see pictures of your renaissance faire costume!! =)

  2. Love love love your shoes!!! Very cute:) Congrats on finishing at the community college!
    I would love to see pictures of your costume! :o)

  3. Girl, me too! I've never been one to like the color yellow. I think that is the one color I still cannot bring myself to love. I even love grey! And by the way, has anyone ever told you that you're gorgeous? You seriously look like one of those beautiful classy ladies from the old black and white movies. Just thought I'd let you know. ;) Oh, and of course I'd LOVE to see your dress! Your clothes are always cute. :)

  4. Yay for finishing community college work. I finished up mine two weeks ago, and I am set to attend a university in the fall. I hope you enjoy your work!
    I understand about the yellow thing. I always said I liked it when I was younger although I do not know whether I just picked the color or actually liked it. But for several years I did not like yellow at all. Then I figured out my color season and am starting to like "my" particular yellow more and other peoples' yellows on them.

  5. Super cute outfit (and purse!)
    I'm the exact same way! Love mustard yellow, hate yellow! :)
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  6. Gorgeous outfit and gorgeous girl! =)

  7. What a lovely outfit! That dress is gorgeous. I've never liked yellow, either, but I really love mustard colored things for autumn. <3

    I for one would love to see photos of your ren faire costume! I'm a huge fan of renaissance faires. ;D

    Oh! And thanks for the comment on my blog. :)

  8. The color yellow looks amazing on you! Your skin is absolutely gorgeous.


  9. You are the prettiest little lady in the sweetest little outfit... my oh my how I love it from tip to toe!

    P.S. Thank you for the sweetest note on my blog! Made me smile :)

  10. Lovely! And yes, I would love to see the costume pictures! Technically, we go to school in the same state! ;) (Even though you're online...) all the craziness for me starts tomorrow!

  11. I love your dress! I have always loved any shade of yellow (: Your shoes are SO adorable bye the way

    Lizzy <3

  12. I like your outfit. And this yellow looks fun. I like yellow, I just never wear it much.

    Your Red Faire costume would be fun to see! I love costumes.

  13. yes I think once the mustard obsession starts- it doesn't end. I remember last fall buying so many mustard and yellow things I couldn't wear any of my new clothes together because then I'd just look like Big Bird! I really like your outfit, it's chic and feminine.. and I LOVE those shoes!
