Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Glory of a Spring Morning {What I Wore Sunday}

Photo 9 - 2012-05-05

Photo 11 - 2012-05-05

Photo 10 - 2012-05-05

Photo 8 - 2012-05-05

Outfit Details:
Top/dress: Ross
Belt: Thrifted
Skirt: Thrifted (I'd been searching for a black maxi for ages!)
Shoes: ?

Sunday was absolutely gorgeous. It wasn't quite as nice as Easter, but pretty close! It felt wonderful to be outside without a jacket and not have goosebumps instantly peppering my arms. Spring, it seems, has finally arrived after a long winter, and I am so very glad. The sun is warm, the trees are in full bloom, and the air is full of the smell of flowers and freshly mowed lawns (though ours is not one of them!). The sunlight was much too harsh in these pictures, and shows you how my pale skin can act as a reflector in direct sunlight! I jogged through the tall grass holding my skirt up with one hand and my camera with the other to capture pictures of the blossoms on our neighbor's plum tree. They were lovely against the blue sky!

I hope you all have had a lovely beginning to your week!

On side notes...
Olivia of Fresh Modesty recently posted about this exciting event, which I hope to join in:

And I have now passed the 50 follower mark! I'm incredibly excited and grateful to all of you! And I am working on a surprise in honor of this occasion, which will hopefully be finished soon!

I also have some tutorials on the way (I feel like I've promised these before, but they really are coming this time!), and there will hopefully be one up before the end of the week.(:


  1. So beautiful, I like the long skirt :) Nice!

  2. SOO pretty! Can't wait to see what you come up with. :) I am planning to enroll on that event as well. :)

    Keep Shining, Lizzy <3

  3. vicki!! I was just checking to make sure you got your prize for my giveaway?? could you pleaaase email me and let me know? ( thankkss!!

  4. Beautiful! I seriously love the skirt.

  5. Wow! I don't think the sunlight looks harsh at all! Beautiful photos! I love the "old" glow to it!
    (you know, like in the 1930's/40's photos?)
    I have no idea why I'm not following your blog! I saw your comment on my blog, and realized I hadn't seen any posts by you in awhile...perhaps because I'm not following you! :) LOL!
    A Modest Fashion Blog:
