Sunday, April 3, 2011

T-shirt Necklaces

Last Sunday I went shopping with my friend, and while we were at Claire's I saw these adorable little necklaces made with bottle caps. Then at H&M, they had necklaces made from strips of cut up t-shirts! I thought they were pretty cool on their own, but then I thought, how cute would it be to combine the two? So on Monday, I hammered holes in bottle caps and pasted pictures on the inside. Then on Tuesday, I started cutting up t-shirts, and attached the strips to a chain.
This is what I got:

Then on Wednesday I made another in blue, to match my outfit for church:

What do you think? Should I make a tutorial?(:

Have a lovely day!



  1. My name is audrey. I'm 11 years old and i love your necklace!! I would love to see how you did it.

  2. Hi Audrey,
    Thanks for your comment! I was actually planning on making a tutorial, so be sure and check back soon!(:

