Whether you're attracted to the idea of minimalism, but aren't sure where to start, or if you're a committed minimalist in need of inspiration, or just enjoy learning about minimalism, these resources are for you! These are some of my favorite resources for inspiration and tips. Even if I'm currently at a good point in my minimalist lifestyle, I still enjoy seeing how other people do minimalism. I find it interesting and inspiring to see other perspectives.
Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things - This documentary was put out by the Minimalists, who I think are the ones credited with starting the whole minimalist movement. I watched this documentary on Netflix (it's still available for streaming) right before I did my massive edit in January, and found it really inspiring. I liked seeing all the different lives they showed and how they made minimalism work for them. There were a lot of different stories, and it really does show that there is no one way to be a minimalist--minimalism is whatever you want it to be for you. What I didn't like was that personally, the message came across as a bit pretentious and over-dramatized. There was a little bit of eye-rolling from me. Those do sound like some pretty heavy criticisms, but I recommend it, especially if you're new to the concept of minimalism.
YouTube Channels
I came across a lot of really great YouTube channels when I was first starting to get on board with the idea of minimalism. Some of these are old favorites, others are more recent finds. All have a wealth of great videos to inspire you.
Lavendaire - I really enjoy Aileen's channel. For one thing, her lavender hair is mesmerizing. I also am inspired by her decluttering videos and her videos on the KonMari method. Again, it's just fun to see how others implement minimalism in their lives.
Light by Coco - Coco offers great advice for minimalism, or living light, as she calls it. She also has the most gorgeous speaking voice. Her channel has videos about decluttering and capsule wardrobes, and is what introduced me to the idea of a year round capsule wardrobe.
Jessica Avey - This isn't a minimalism-centered channel in any way, but Jess Avey is a mama and vlogger who decided to minimalize to get her house back under control, and she's sharing the process on her channel. It's been so fun to follow and I love that she's inspired so many others! I think her series is a great resource for anyone who is intrigued by the idea of minimalism but isn't sure where to start or how minimalism would work for them. Also, Jess is such a great person, and I'm so happy I found her channel.
Muchelle B - This is an awesome resource for minimalists. It's probably at the top of my list. I found it really great in January, as she was doing her Simplify Your Life challenge at the same time. I really enjoyed watching the videos and listening to her tips for all 30 days of the challenge. Also, just a really great way to guide you through an initial edit.
Samantha Lindsey - Samantha shares tips and encouragement for minimalism and a sustainable lifestyle. Her minimalism videos are helpful and practical, and I love her personality. She also inspired me to take further steps to living a more sustainable, waste-free life.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
If you're considering minimizing, this is the book to read. I read it within the past few months, over the span of just a couple hours, and her philosophy really resonated with me. It's definitely geared more toward a Japanese audience, and she does focus a lot on her own experience, but at the root of it all is the KonMari method. It's not a literary masterpiece, nor is it a manual on minimalism, but it is a very good place to start. And even if you don't want to go full-on minimalist, but just want to reduce clutter, it's a great handbook for decluttering.
Clutterfree with Kids by Joshua Becker
If you don't have kids, Becker has other books that are great. His blog (becomingminimalist.com) is also a great read. But minimalism and children are two things that don't seem to go hand in hand, and for parents looking to minimalize, this book is great. You can have kids and be a minimalist. Speaking of which, this is a great article on the subject.
If minimalism is something that's interested you, what have been your favorite resources? I'd love to check them out!
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