Here's a quick tutorial on how to make your own makeup remover. This is adapted from a recipe I found on Pinterest a long time ago, and since I had all the ingredients just lying around, I decided to whip it up, and I discovered that it works really well. It removes eye makeup pretty well, and it also feels really refreshing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video! Let me know if you have any questions!
Have a great day!

//dress (worn as skirt): jc penneys {gift} / top: jc penneys / necklace: julep / flats: marshalls //
The official start of summer for me is not when the weather gets warmer (though, boy, has it been warm and muggy here lately!), but when my classes all wrap up and life is no longer consumed by schoolwork. So for me, summer officially began last week...and will last until mid-October, when I begin classes in the second half of fall semester. And funnily enough...it's been even more busy this past week than it was when I was in school. My grandma took a bad fall last week, so my parents ended up spending quite a bit of time at the hospital, and I'm taking over her job babysitting five of my cousins while she recovers (thankfully, God seems to be blessing her with a smooth recovery). I'm also getting ready for some adventures with friends, my aunt, and my family, which I'm definitely looking forward to. And choir's started back up! Yay! We've started practicing Christmas music (Christmas in August!), which I'm immensely excited about. And I'm rearranging/deep cleaning my room...which is taking longer than I initially envisioned. I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow, though, and then I want to film a room tour.
This outfit was hastily thrown together in the mad rush before heading off to church. I usually pull out my outfit the night before, and I did this time, only to decide I didn't like it five minutes before we left for church. And I came up with this! I like that it's classy and a little dressier (which is good, since I always like to dress up a bit more for communion Sunday), but still fairly comfortable.
I hope you all are doing well! Have a wonderful week!

PS- Sorry if the photos look a bit grainy this time round. I'm not entirely sure why they're like that...maybe I had the ISO on my camera set higher than usual or something...

//dress: gift / belt: thrifted / necklace: claire's / sandals: target / earrings: fuego / ring: eBay//
Hello everyone! Long time, no see! That's how it feels to me, anyway. I've been completely disconnected from the blogging world for the past week or so...not even checking my favorite blogs (so if you haven't been seeing comments from me on your blogs, that's why!). I decided that I needed to take a break to focus on my work. But now--I've turned in all my papers, taken all of my exams, and I am done with summer classes. Thank you, Lord. I'm so grateful to have made it through...there was a while where I thought I might not, but I did, and it's wonderful to be finished. So! You can look out for more regular posts in the future. I have a bunch of ideas that I'm super excited to share with you all.
Anyway, this outfit is a couple weeks old. I wore it to a church picnic at the park and styled it around my new sandals that I picked up at Target the week before. I really love the style of the sandals, though they're not the best for walking distances in. I really liked how comfortable the outfit ended up being, though it still looked put together.
Hope you all are having a happy week!
Question: I'm trying out bigger image sizes for posts. What do you think? Too big or just right?

//dress, worn as top: thrifted / skirt: thrifted + refashioned / belt: thrifted / necklace: h&m / gladiators: cotton on / nail polish: Julep's popova//
I'm really quite happy with how this outfit turned out. I had been looking for new ways to style this dress (which is one of my most worn dresses, but I don't think I've ever worn it on the blog before), and Saturday night, when pulling out an outfit for church, I happened to pull out this skirt and dress at the same time. And they matched! Or at least I thought they matched. But really, I'm very happy with how they look together. I think that the green of the leaves on the dress works well with the green of the skirt. I belted it for a more fitted look, added my favorite H&M necklace, threw on some gladiators for a more casual look, and I was ready to go.
Anyway, finals are coming up, and I am starting to panic. I have two research papers due, one this weekend, and one next weekend, and while I'm pretty much on top of the one that's due this week, I am starting to worry about the other one, which I haven't started working on at all. The teacher for that class is a pretty hard grader, so I think that's the one I'm more concerned about. He offers the opportunity to submit a draft for critique, and normally I would jump at that chance, but I think I just don't have the time. I'm praying that I do well and accomplish everything on time...without getting too stressed out!
I also want to thank all of you who commented on my previous post! I really appreciate all the positive feedback. I don't think I've ever really done a post like that before, and I hope to do more like that in the future, because I had a lot of fun with it.
Hope you all are having a great week!