As I mentioned in my last post, my family took a day trip last week to Tacoma to visit the art museum, history museum, and glass museum. Every third Thursday, admission to all three museums is free, and even better, all three are within walking distance of each other.

We started our visit at the Washington State History Museum, which is a really neat museum for those who like history, and even for those who don't...there's something for everyone. When we went last month, they had a neat antique motorcycle exhibit that featured one of Steve McQueen's motorcycles (and another that was the same style he rode in The Great Escape). That was cool. This time, it was closed, but it was still fun to wander the museum.

Right outside the history museum is a little courtyard with possibly the world's most adorable coffee shop (I am definitely going to have to stop in there next time!), and on the other side is the historic Union Station, which has been turned into a court house. Apparently, the building was designed by my godmother's grandfather. It's a gorgeous building, and it's lovely inside too, featuring several glass art pieces by Chihuly. It was closed by the time we made it over there, so we couldn't go in, but hopefully another time!

After we finished at the history museum, we wandered across the glass bridge (which has many interesting glass pieces all along its length) to the glass museum. It's a very interesting building, and a nice juxtaposition of modern and old-fashioned architecture. The museum itself is not very big, but what's cool about it is that it features a "hot shop"--which is right inside that cone--where you can go in and watch the artists at work. It is very warm in there, but worth it!

We finished up at the art museum, where I didn't take any pictures (I know, I'm sorry!) because there was no air conditioning and we ended up really rushing through the museum because it was very warm. I probably would have rather stayed in the glass museum's hot shop than in the crowded, hot art museum!
The day was ended at the Spaghetti Factory, with a heaping plate of noodles topped with browned butter and mizithra cheese. So good. All in all, a wonderfully blessed day.
I hope you all enjoyed this peek into our trip to the museums!
Have a wonderful weekend!

//top: h&m / skirt, belt: thrifted / sandals: cotton on//
I'm finding that summer is busier than usual for me. Do any of you feel that way? I mean, I have school, but I did that last summer as well, and I feel like there simply wasn't as much that I was doing really outside of that. It can be stressful at times, trying to juggle so many things at once--like going out with friends in the morning, then coming back home to type up an essay--and sometimes it's hard to slow down. But really, one of the best things I've learned through these past couple weeks, where it seems that every weekend I'm loaded down with some new stressful situation, is that sometimes, you just need to stop, take a deep breath, make a cup of tea (or coffee, if you prefer!), and slow down to look for the joy in the ordinary things of creation, rather than letting yourself be absorbed by the stress. Like these roses--I hadn't noticed them before, except the other day, when I was in a hurry for some reason or other, and their bright cheery color just jumped out at me and I had to pause to admire them.
Anyway, enough sap--I feel like a lot of my posts are starting to sound like this! But I think that they're a bit of encouragement to me writing them, and maybe (hopefully) to some of you, too.
This outfit is actually from last Thursday--I worked ahead on my assignments so that I could go to the museums in Tacoma with my family. I wanted something comfortable and casual, so I paired this newly thrifted gem of a skirt (my sisters call it a medieval skirt) with an old top from H&M, added a belt and a pair of comfy shoes, and voila--the perfect museum-going outfit. It was a lot of fun--crowded, because it was such a beautiful day, but definitely a lot of fun. There was something going on at the art museum where they had musicians playing classical music in the area right where you walk in. And it was actually really nice. I love the combination of music and art. I wish I could have just sat there and listened. But, as a downside, we had to get home, and the air conditioning was also apparently broken that day...and it was sweltering inside the museum. More about the museums later--I brought my camera this time and took a whole bunch of pictures that I'm saving for a post that will be coming (hopefully!) sometime this week.

//skirt: made by me / vintage petticoat: thrifted / shirt, shoes, belt: thrifted / earrings: gift//
Hello, everyone! Long time, no see! I have been far too busy, as you may be able to tell by the title of this post...these pictures are from over a week ago, and I've only just now had the time to edit them and create a post! I have also had little time to read and catch up on the blogs I love, which makes me sad. Thankfully I was able to work ahead yesterday, and now today should be wonderfully relaxed, so maybe I can have some time to catch up and comment on all the wonderful posts I'm sure to have missed. I'm also hoping to spend some more time on my poor, much neglected blog.
Anyway! I hope all of you in the US had a wonderful Fourth of July! I certainly did! I spent most of the morning and afternoon composing an essay that had to be turned in before 9:00 that night, then I hastily ironed this skirt so that I would have something to wear to my family's party. I ended up finishing a little late, but I was still able to make it to the party in time for the barbecue! The night was spent chatting with family, giggling with friends, eating good food, and watching my uncles and their friends light off fireworks. All in all, a wonderful night.
What did you do for the Fourth?

//Lace top, tank top, skirt: Thrifted // Necklace: Claire's // Hair pins: Julep // Shoes: Target//
Here in Seattle you definitely have to expect the unexpected when it comes to the weather. For instance, June started out warm and sunny, then dipped down into the upper sixties for most of the month. At the end of June, when the weather was forecast to be nice and clear, my family went to visit a few museums in Tacoma within walking distance of each other, and as soon as we arrived, it started simply pouring. I was definitely not prepared for that kind of weather in my t-shirt, skirt, and tights! On Facebook, I started seeing just about every other friend despair of summer ever arriving. Myself, I like the cool weather, and anything over 75° is too hot, so I honestly couldn't have cared less. Then last week, we got a pretty terrific thunderstorm out of the blue...which is pretty rare for here. And this week...this week we had weather in the lower 90°s for a couple days, then it cooled down a bit. Weather is weird. And I find it's weirdness pretty interesting. I used to want to be a meteorologist to be able to study that weirdness. It does teach an interesting lesson, though; you can never quite know what to expect in life, since just about anything can happen. So...you have to expect the unexpected and accept what life throws at you. I'm really bad at that. I don't like variations from the norm or spontaneity. But I'm getting better at it, and learning to place my life in God's hands.
How does that quote go? "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
Also, I feel like I've been saying this a lot lately, but I'm sorry about my super intermittent posting. School has been just a wee bit crazy lately, and in-between long reading assignments, two quizzes, and two essays a week, I haven't had much free time. Also, I have an essay due tomorrow. On Independence Day. What is this world coming to? But I love it. Learning is fun.(:
Speaking of which...happy Independence Day to all of my U.S. readers! I hope you have a wonderful day of celebrating! and for those of you not in the U.S., I hope you all have a great day as well.
Also! I just realized that my blog layout is having some really weird issues right now...I haven't even touched it for weeks, and somehow all the stuff on the side column suddenly got shoved to the way bottom of the page. I'm trying to figure it out, but I have no idea what's going on. :P do any of you have any ideas about what the problem might be? In the meantime, I'm sorry for the mess!