Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fancy a Fox Hunt?

Sweater, Skirt: Thrifted // Tights: ?? // Heels: American Eagle via eBay // Collar: DIY

This is an outfit that I threw together on Sunday morning approximately fifteen minutes before I had to leave for church. I'm usually pretty good at putting church outfits together on Saturday night so I don't have to worry about it in my weekly mad rush to get ready for church, but this past weekend, I came home late from babysitting, tried on my newly thrifted sweater, and decided on a whim that it needed a Peter Pan collar. So...I decided to make one. At 11:30 at night. Without any idea if my concept would work. I quickly cut a pattern out of card stock, then copied that onto a piece of felt, and started putting glitter all over it (anyone interested in a tutorial?). I ended up making a nearly fatal mistake, then salvaged it, finally putting the finishing touches on it at 1:30 AM. I decided sleep was more important than putting together an outfit, so that's the long, confusing tale of why I ended up throwing this outfit together so late.

This sweater is a really fun piece. I picked it up while thrifting last Friday--I could hardly resist the fox hunt print! You probably can't see it too well in the photos, but it's quite detailed, with little horsemen and their hounds chasing after wee little foxes. It's really whimsical, which I love, and I don't have too many pieces like that (though I may or may not have plans for a skirt from a fabric peppered with colorful vintage airplanes...). I can't wait to come up with more ways to style it!

I hope you all are having a lovely week!

Photo 1 - 2012-12-22

1 comment:

  1. Super cute, Vicki! Although a wee bit crazy! ;) Naw, I've put together a vest right before leaving for town! LOL! I was like...this needs a vest! I'm making one! Everyone knows I'm crazy...
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