Sunday was meant to be a wonderful autumn day--crisp, with rain, the first real rain in ages, so I bundled up for church. It's been quite a while since I've had to think about layers like jackets and tights, but I think the challenge of layering is a fun one. I decided I wanted to do some sewing on Saturday, so I pulled an old maxi skirt out of my refashioning pile (I had actually sewn it last year, but it ended up being too tight at the hemline to comfortably walk in...), and shortened it to a comfortable knee-length skirt. I didn't have the right color thread, so I sewed my first blind hem, which took a while, but the results were satisfactory, and I was happy with it.
On another note, I've been tagged! Several times, in fact...I think there are five different tags that I've gotten over the past month or so, and I've kept forgetting to do them! I do love tags, though, so I'm determined to actually post on them. I was initially going to do one long post with all of them, then I thought maybe I'd better split it up into two, and now I've decided to include them in my weekly outfit posts, one at a time, so it'll make up a sort of series. At the end, I'll say who I've tagged, instead of tagging a bunch of bloggers in every post! I think I would run out of people! Anyway, first, I was tagged by the lovely Natasha of Day by Day. Thanks for awarding me, Tasha!

1. You must post eleven facts about yourself.
2. You must also answer the eleven questions the awarder has given you and make up eleven questions for your awardees to answer in turn.
3. Tag eleven fellow bloggers
4. Notify them that you've awarded them
5. No tagging back
6. And the eleven blogs you tag must have less than 200 followers.
Eleven (very) Random Facts About Me:
1. I love listening to vintage records.
2. I'm starting school next Monday! I'm terrified, but also incredibly excited. I think now is an excellent time to be taking poli-sci classes.
3. I'm about to start learning Christmas music for choir. So exciting!
4. I recently tried a gyro for the first time. According to my aunt, the Jordanian version is called shawarma, which immediately reminded me of the Avengers. I had a nice geeky moment there.
5. I love falling asleep to the sound of rain outside my window.
6. I'm reading "So Much More" by the Botkin sisters as a devotional, and am greatly enjoying it thus far.
7. I'm currently working on reading "The Hobbit" in anticipation of the movie...which for some reason not enough of my friends and family are as excited about as they should be.
8. I've recently discovered "The Scarlet Pimpernel" musical, and I'm in love with it. I think I listened to it at least 30 times last week.
9. I really want to learn to knit a cabled sweater. Something wonderfully warm and chunky.
10. Fall is by far my favorite season. I love boots, sweaters, and scarves.
11. I dream of someday traveling the world.
1. Which is your favorite season?
Fall, of course!
2. Do you watch more British TV shows or American?
The majority of the shows I watch are British. I tend to tire of American shows (though there are still quite a few good ones that I enjoy!), and I find British shows (at least, the ones I watch) refreshing and witty, and much better written (and acted).
3. What's your everyday hairstyle? A ponytail, a braid, a bun?
Usually I prefer to wear my hair down. If I'm working or want my hair out ofmy face, I prefer to wear it up in a messy bun.
4. Do you sew most of your own clothes or buy them?
This is kind of difficult to answer...I do sew a lot of my own clothes, and those I buy, I tend to refashion into something that better suits my style.
5. In what year did Columbus sail the ocean blue?
Hehe, in 1492, of course! Though I'm sure that wasn't the only year he sailed...
6. Favorite screen/literary couple?
That's a tough one! Can I list a handful of my favorites? Matthew and Mary from Downton Abbey, Jane and Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre, Anne and Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables, and Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy.
7. Which is your favorite/most read book of the Bible? (not including Psalms and Proverbs;)
Oh most frequently read books are the Psalms and Proverbs! Let's see...probably Isaiah for the Old Testament, and any of Paul's epistles for the New.
8. Your favorite TV show when you were a child?
Lamb Chop! Haha, I got up early every day just to watch it. I was also obsessed with watching reruns of the Disney Zorro show.
9. Least favorite vegetable?
Radishes. *shudder*
10. Do you watch the Marvel Superhero films? If so, which is your favorite superhero and why?
But of course! My favorite is most likely Captain America. I admire his character so much.
11. Do you think bow ties are cool?
Hmm...It depends. They are most definitely cool when the Doctor wears them!
Adorable outfit Vicki! I know you'll do great with school. :) Autumn is also my favorite season. I love the fall clothes, the weather, and the feeling that life has been renewed once again. :) Oh and I've always had a dream to see the world, we should go together. ;D Ciao!
ReplyDeleteLOVE that first pictures with the leaf!! And your outfit is adorable, as always. I love that sweater.
ReplyDeleteHooray for Christmas music! I just started pulling out my Christmas music and playing it on the piano, but I've received several complaints from various family members. What's wrong with Christmas music in October, I ask?!
Eeep!! Here's one person who is insanely excited about The Hobbit!!! :D I need to re-read that book before the movie comes out, too. Got to be ready to find even the slightest failings;)
I used to watch Lamb Chop, too! Still have The Song that Never Ends stuck in my head. My brother and I enjoy singing it while we're driving in the car. We change the way we sing it each time we go around - opera, hillbilly, etc. ;)
Yep, Captain America is definitely my favorite, too:)
Love this outfit Vicki! Everything goes fantastic together and your boots are to cool! I love your cardigan too.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to learn to sew this winter if I get a sewing machine. I have always wanted to learn to make my own clothes. (:
Lizzy <3
gorgeous =)
ReplyDeleteHow do you like blind hemming? I did that on the half circle skirt I made, and it does take a while, and a lot of patience to sew consistent stitches!!
I love the new blog look! And I think it is tragic and horrible and a crime that not many people you know are overly excited for The Hobbit. Poor dear. I feel your pain. You must come here and we can be excited together. (My family thinks I need to stop counting down days since it is still a couple months away.)
ReplyDeleteI love your outfits. I'm rubbish at them and you give me so many lovely ideas!
And THANK YOU SO MUCH for the book cover ideas!!! I'm not creative in this area and had NO CLUE what I was doing! Those are JUST what I was looking for! I'm actually going to try the over lay today. That is BRILLIANT! Thank you soooo much! You saved me a lot of headache and brain spinning!
wow, i love these photos~ So fall-y~ You look gorgeous~
Jeepers Kreepers! I just saw your new blog design and I think it's lovely! It represents your style perfectly!
P.S- I know you like to sew, so, would you care to enter a charming vintage pattern GiveAway that we're hosting over at our blog?? Love it if you would! :D