Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Floating on the Breeze {What I Wore Sunday}

Lace Blouse: Thrifted / Dress: Gift (from JC Penny's) / Shoes: Maurices / Earrings: Gift / Purse: Thrifted

Life is getting busy again, and it makes me excited. I like to be doing things (as much as I enjoy reading and watching movies), and I really like the satisfaction that comes with being productive. This week I decided to deep clean my room, with the hope of it becoming at least slightly more organized, and...well, it's getting there, I suppose. Hopefully by the weekend, it will sparkle.(; Or at least, I hope to be able to see the floor again! I'm a very untidy person, but I can't work in a disorganized area since it drives me crazy! So long as it's clean before I start school next month, I'll be very happy. :P

I've also been watching the newest season of Doctor Who, and so far, so good! :P I finally made my sisters into fans of the show, so I finally can have my family understand my obscure references (and why I say "Ood" instead of "odd")! You don't know what a relief that is, haha.

I hope you're all having a wonderful week!


  1. Cute outfit, Vicki! Love the color of the dress especially!
    I could shop at Maurices all day! love their stuff! (actually I love their clearance sales to be more precise...)
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  2. You truly have such a grace and natural beauty to your face that is beautiful. You are so radiant!

    Thank you for all of the sweet comments on my have no idea how much they mean to me <3
