Sweater, Skirt: Thrifted // Tights: ?? // Heels: American Eagle via eBay // Collar: DIY
This is an outfit that I threw together on Sunday morning approximately fifteen minutes before I had to leave for church. I'm usually pretty good at putting church outfits together on Saturday night so I don't have to worry about it in my weekly mad rush to get ready for church, but this past weekend, I came home late from babysitting, tried on my newly thrifted sweater, and decided on a whim that it needed a Peter Pan collar. So...I decided to make one. At 11:30 at night. Without any idea if my concept would work. I quickly cut a pattern out of card stock, then copied that onto a piece of felt, and started putting glitter all over it (anyone interested in a tutorial?). I ended up making a nearly fatal mistake, then salvaged it, finally putting the finishing touches on it at 1:30 AM. I decided sleep was more important than putting together an outfit, so that's the long, confusing tale of why I ended up throwing this outfit together so late.
This sweater is a really fun piece. I picked it up while thrifting last Friday--I could hardly resist the fox hunt print! You probably can't see it too well in the photos, but it's quite detailed, with little horsemen and their hounds chasing after wee little foxes. It's really whimsical, which I love, and I don't have too many pieces like that (though I may or may not have plans for a skirt from a fabric peppered with colorful vintage airplanes...). I can't wait to come up with more ways to style it!
I hope you all are having a lovely week!

Dress, Jacket: JC Penneys // Fleece-Lined Tights: Gift // Shoes: Target // Earrings, Clutch: My Grandmother's // Slip: DIY
On New Year's Eve (which already seems like so long ago...), I dressed up for church and an after-church party at the home of a family friend. The dress had been picked up on a birthday shopping spree for a whopping $7 at JC Penneys, and the slip was sewn that day in a mad rush to get it finished before church. I loved the vintage-inspired detail on the top, but I wasn't a fan of the length, which hit me about mid-thigh, so to add a bit of length, I deconstructed an old tulle skirt I'd bought off the Target clearance rack. I used the lining of the skirt for the top, and then created a tulle ruffle along the bottom...about a half hour later, I had a new slip! The tulle added a little bit to the length along with a fun feminine detail. And since it's a slip, it can be layered under other dresses and skirts as well! Then I layered on a pair of thick, fleece tights underneath. And then...for a bit of sparkle, I wore my glittery pumps that I picked up at Target (also off the clearance rack). They're absolutely frivolous, but perfect for the holiday season and for a night out. They're also unbelievably comfortable! My mom had a bit of a heart attack when she saw the heel height on these (they've got to be almost six inches), but really, they are more comfortable than my three-inch Oxford booties, which are my go-to shoes. Needless to say...I love them, and I wish there were more occasions I could wear them!
New Year's Eve was absolutely lovely...the church service was wonderful, and I had great fun at the party afterwards, sipping sparkling cider and munching on freshly baked quiche, among other things, and enjoying the fellowship of friends and relatives.
What did you ladies do to celebrate the New Year?

Blouse: Macy's // Tank Top, Skirt, Heels: Thrifted // Tights: Claire's // Slip: DIY // Coat: Ross
My goal with this Sunday's outfit was to create an outfit centered around this skirt that did not end up making me look like a secretary. Almost every outfit I came up with the night before looked very professional, and I wanted something kind of colorful and fun. So I pulled out these tights, which in the two or three years I've had them I had only worn once, and then I searched for a matching top...and a few minutes later, I had this combination! I was quite happy with it, until I realized (a bit late) that it is still too cold to be wearing a short-sleeved blouse without a sweater! So on the way out the door I threw on my blue coat, and refused to take it off again until these photos. I didn't even think at the time that the blue coat might not look so nice with the purple tights, but when I looked at it later, I decided I liked the look.
Sunday was spent relaxing with the family, as well as starting work on my timeline of the Old Testament for my Bible History course. The timeline isn't due for a few weeks yet, but I thought it might be a good idea to get a head start, and I'm glad I did! Progress so far is a little slow, and I know if I had waited until the last minute to start this project I would have been frantically rushing for information. I realized just today that there are only three more weeks to these classes--it's amazing how quickly all my finals and major projects are creeping up on me!
I hope you all are having a wonderful week!