Saturday, July 17, 2010

Finished Purse and Makeup Pouch

I decided the purse looked too plain, and so, that night, I took a sharpie to it and drew designs to echo the vines on the heart patch. I'm really pleased with how it turned out:

That same night, I started on another project, which I had originally intended for my cousin, but then I realized that my mom's birthday is next month, and that she would probably appreciate it better than my cousin, who has curtains made from the same fabric. I really love how it turned out - very professional-looking, as though I could have bought it. I got the fabric from my aunt, who was throwing out a ton of scraps (big ones, too!) from her curtain making....and of course I saved them from the garbage. Never throw out scraps, even if you're not sure what you'll do with them at the time.

And here it is:


And back:

Pretty, huh? All I did was to sew similarly colored beads around the flowers, then sew together the two panels into a pouch. You can't tell from the pictures, but the zipper didn't turn out so good...but then, it's my first project involving one.


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