I like to go through my closet every few months (typically at the end of each season) and do a quick check to see if there are any areas that need paring down--clothes that don't fit, aren't flattering, are too worn, or that I simply don't reach for anymore. I've only just gotten back into doing this, after procrastinating for so long when I first had Adelaide--it took me a while to come to terms with the fact that some areas just aren't going to go back to their pre-pregnancy sizes, no matter how much I work out! And that's ok--there were just a few pieces that were especially hard for me to part with. I've also been wanting to drastically minimize, so that my closet is full of only the clothes that I really love and wear often, aside from the few special occasion pieces.
So, at the end of last month, I went through everything in my closet, and when I finished, I had packed up several boxes with items to donate and sell. I cleared out two drawers in my dresser, and it feels so good! Anyway, I thought I would share a few of my favorite tips for minimizing your wardrobe. They're a little more specialized than the ones I shared in my previous post on simplifying your possessions, and I hope you find them helpful!

1. Pull everything out, one section at a time. This way you can evaluate every piece, and breaking it down into sections, like separate drawers or types, helps make the process more focused, manageable, and less overwhelming. After you finish one section, you can use the opportunity to reorganize.
2. Evaluate each item by asking these questions:
- When was the last time I wore this? If you can't remember a single time you wore a piece in the last year, it's probably time to pass it on. If you're really attached, give yourself a time period, like three months, and see if you wear it at all during that time.
- Do I like how this looks on me? This is important! If a piece of clothing doesn't make you feel happy and confident when you put it on, is it really something you want to hang onto?
- Is it too worn (ie. is there pilling or holes)? This one is pretty self-explanatory. I will usually get rid of pieces immediately if they have holes, though I will sometimes make partial exceptions for pilling, if it's something I wear often and am interested in replacing with something similar.
- Is it comfortable? Again, really important. No matter how much I love the look of that one dress or that one pair of shoes, if I'm uncomfortable wearing it for any length of time, I seriously consider passing it on. The only exception I've made to this rule is with my wedding shoes, which are just about the most uncomfortable things I've ever worn, but I love them to death, and I do still wear them as my 'special occasion' shoes.
- Do I have similar pieces? If you have multiple pieces that are very similar to each other, consider paring them down to your favorite.
- Does this work with the rest of my closet? I have this gorgeous, purple wool fit and flare skirt (with pockets!), which I love...but it's from back when I was obsessed with a vintage style, and it doesn't really go with anything that I wear currently. So I'm going to be selling it. Sad face. :(
- If I were out shopping today, would I buy this? And not just if it were on sale! ;) But really, this is a good way to tell how much you really like a piece.
3. Try on any pieces you aren't sure about and look at them in a mirror. This is something that I find really helpful! This way, you can check the fit and see how it looks on you. Sometimes I find myself attached to the idea of a piece--maybe it's trendy, or maybe I saw it in a picture and loved it on the model--but it's just not flattering, and I don't find myself drawn to it when I'm picking out an outfit.
4. Get a second opinion. Ask a trusted friend for their thoughts. I like to grab my husband and ask him for his thoughts if there's a piece I'm not sure about. I know he's going to give me his honest opinion, and I have the freedom to take it or leave it. That's also why I like taking him with me when I'm clothes shopping, though I know he'd rather I didn't. ;)
5. Don't be sentimental. I've hung onto clothes because of the good memories associated with them, or because of how much I used to love wearing them, but if you're not wearing them now, and if they don't work with your other clothes, why keep it? It's only creating clutter in your wardrobe and distracting you from the pieces that you actually wear.
And there you have it! These are all things that I try to keep in mind and abide by as I'm going through my closet. As a final note, if you're really trying to pare down your wardrobe, try implementing the "one in, one out" method. Every time you buy a new piece, make yourself get rid of one old piece until your closet is a size that you're comfortable with. This will also help with curbing any bad spending habits if you don't want to have to get rid of anything! I'm currently working on this with my shoes, which used to be my greatest weakness. :)