Thursday, August 7, 2014

gray days are my favorite

//cardigan, oxfords: thrifted / dress: ross / belt: old navy / bracelet: gift / tights: JCP//

I love the entire atmosphere of gray days...the textures of the clouds, the deeper, more subtle colors, the cool (hopefully not muggy) air, just everything about them. The clear blue skies and hot weather Seattle has seen for the past however many days have been making me long for one of those perfectly chilly gray days...well, just generally longing for fall, I guess. I'm so wimpy when it comes to the heat. I mean, I love a chance to break out my cute sundresses, but after a few days of 80° weather, I am more than ready to return to my frumpy sweaters and tights. This morning, I was so excited to see cloudy skies and fog, but that all burned off within a few hours, and now there's hardly a cloud in the sky...I may still have a while to wait before I get that ideal gray day. 

Ooh, so last night I made it out to see Guardians of the Galaxy with my boyfriend and a group of his friends. So much goodness!! Great writing, loads of wonderfully quotable lines, good characters, fun soundtrack (hehe), and it was pretty, too...which is always a plus. I loved Groot. And Rocket. Josh and I were almost wondering if we liked it better than The Avengers...that's how much we enjoyed it. Have any of you seen it? What did you think?? 


  1. Super cute outfit, Vicki!
    I haven't seen the GG movie! Might have to rent it when it comes out!

  2. Oooh pretty! :)

  3. Ahhh, I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet, but I really, really want to!! Especially after hearing from you how good it is!
    And yes, I'm ready for some cooler, grey days after all of this heat! It's been in the upper 90s here.
    Also, loving this outfit. :)
    I kind of responded to everything out of order, didn't I? ;)

  4. Aw, dang. I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet :/ I can't wait! Cute outfit :)

  5. I love gray days as well. Gray and cloudy and rainy. We don't get lots of them here. Usually we go from Winter, to one day of spring maybe, to summer, and then back to winter. This summer has been very rainy so I've been enjoying it.

    I LOVED Guardians of the Galaxy! It was fun and well done and still made me tear up in places, which I was NOT expecting.

  6. Wonderful dress! I love it!
    It was foggy here this morning too, and cold. Freezing cold. We don't get nice chilly days, we go from warm to winter. But the fog was fun, I went walking in it. I get your love of fog.

    YES TO EVERYTHING ABOUT GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY! I loved Groot and Rocket and I cried when Groot died, but baby Groot was adorable so that kind of made up for it. And I loved the soundtrack. I've been listening to it nearly non stop since seeing the movie 8-D

  7. You look beautiful! :) I love gray days too,and I'm so happy that here in Washington its finally getting colder and grayer ;)
    With Love, Elizabeth
