Wednesday, April 23, 2014

a very happy easter

//dress, blouse, backpack: thrifted / sweater: kohl's / belt: old navy / tights: target / socks: JCP / boots: fred meyer//

Happy belated Easter, everyone! I hope you all had a great day celebrating. I was up at 6:30 am Easter morning for breakfast with my family before church, then after church I had lunch with my boyfriend and his family before we headed to my family's for a giant get-together, egg hunt, and of course, more food. There was a lot of food on Easter, and I ate far more than I should have...but I don't regret it one bit. There was also the traditional game of Scrabble with my uncle, which I roped Josh and my younger cousin into playing with us. I always love playing Scrabble at family gatherings, not so much for the game as for the laughs that we get from everyone trying to make up words and arguing for their status as a word. I know Josh isn't a huge fan (and it didn't help that he came in dead last), but I fully intend to convert him, because it's one of my favorites.

This is an old outfit, from a little over a month ago, for an especially cold, gray day. I had picked up this dress at Goodwill back in January and was determined to wear it before it got too warm. I had kept meaning to add on some fabric at the base of the skirt, since it is far too short for comfort, but never got around to it, so I added a super thick pair of tights and my long, black sweater over the top. I'm really happy with the final look—it just looks cozy and warm and wintery (despite the fact that it was supposed to be spring). 

Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. These dark colors look so great on you, and I'm especially loving these boots. Happy belated Easter!

  2. lovely post with wonderful outfit :) awesome!

  3. Firstly, you look lovely and terribly elegant. :-) I love the pop of red socks over your boots!

    Secondly, though, I have a question: How do you manage to wear belts over all your layers, as you did with this outfit, and still feel comfortable and able to move? I've tried outfits like this before and loved how they looked, but my layers got all messed up and constricted my movement. And I got claustrophobia. :-) Do you have any tips?

    Happy Easter to you, my friend!!


  4. Love the colors!
    It's still snowing where I live so..
    A modest fashion blog:

  5. I'm so jealous you thrifted this dress! I've been searching for a nice gray dress like that!

  6. Happy Late Easter! It sounds like you had a really nice day!

    It looks as chilly and grey t here as it does here. I've been waiting for spring all week here.

    I like the dress and how you layered it. It does look cozy. Pretty and cozy. Which isn't easy to pull off - at least for me.

  7. I like how the socks look. They add a pop of color!

  8. That umbrella is too cute! Alex
