Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Leather Jacket

Jacket: Target // Dress: Gift // Tights: JCP // Boots: Gift

It's staring to almost feel like spring here...the weather has warmed up a bit, and the sun has been poking its head out a bit more often. I even found the first dandelion of the season in the backyard, see? Dandelions always make me think of my grandpa--even though they were just weeds, he loved their bright, smiling faces, and was always eager to go on a dandelion-picking expedition with my little seven year old self. We would gather fistfuls of dandelions and clover and create beautiful bouquets that my mother reluctantly placed in vases on the kitchen table. Now I smile whenever I see a dandelion, though I'm quite sure not many people share my love of the flower! Sometimes I'll even still pick a bouquet of them...and I still love plucking the flowers that have gone to seed and blowing the seeds away with a puff of air while making a wish!

Despite the first signs of spring, we've still had frost! It was so pretty, I just had to snap a couple pictures. I love the intricate patterns the frost creates--it makes even the most mundane things seem beautiful!

Photo 1 - 2012-12-22


  1. Lovely outfit, Vicki! I love leather jackets. :)

  2. Super cute outfit, Vicki! I love that leather jacket! Too cute!
    I love how throwing on a jacket over a simple dress makes it super cute!
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  3. I love dandylions too. They are such a bright yellow, they make summer seem that much more cheerful. And the seeds are fun to blow.

    Very pretty outfit! I love leather jackets, and it looks very nice with the books and dress. Very pretty.

    I think I am a half Harry Potter fan, the movie fan. I have a feeling if most people hear this who have read the book will declare me not one. Something about not being able to be a fan till one has read the books. The stories are fun though (Though I always tear up when Digory dies.)

  4. I love the leather jacket! I wanted one for Christmas but it's too warm here and we couldn't find any.

  5. My dad is a good sorce for old TV shows. He is the one who got me watching Get Smart, and now Columbo. Also the old Avengers. But aye, Columbo is a lot of fun.

  6. I love the jacket and the whole outfit! Itis too cute:D I might just have to come and steal if from you*smiles*


  7. Hello, I found your blog via the Hop and when I saw the name I had to check it out! It's so stylish! And so are you by the looks of things, that jacket is just beautiful.

    Happy to be following along xx

    Just Pirouette and Carry On...

  8. I love the color of your jacket!!!

  9. Totally cute! Love love love. :) Your boots match the jacket so perfectly.

