Anyway! Our sweet girl is two! I cannot believe how quickly that second year went by. Sure, it's been a couple of long months with potty training, but it just flew by compared to the first year, and there were so many new developments!
Adelaide has a strong, independent personality. She prefers to do everything by herself rather than have us do it for her. She is amazingly stubborn--once she gets an idea in her head, it is almost impossible to distract her. Her vocabulary continuously amazes me--she speaks almost in full sentences, and is very good at communicating what she wants. She says her nighttime prayers almost by herself, and it's so hard not to crack up listening to her. And I can already tell she's going to be so full of sass! She'll still eat just about anything (I'm so relieved!), though she's not a fan of juice or sugary things, unless they're chocolate, of course.
Her favorite things are dancing, counting, jumping, singing, rocking her dollies in their cradle, and making soup in her play kitchen. Her favorite shows are Peppa, Angelina Ballerina, Kazoops, and Moomins. Her favorite movies are Mr. Peabody and Sherman and Moana (of course, lol). Her favorite music is ABBA, anything Peter Hollens, and Beethoven. Favorite food is definitely anything chocolate. She's obsessed with makeup and jewelry, candles and coffee, and is obsessed with animals, especially dogs, cats, and birds. Still loves her blanky and binky.
Her dislikes...She doesn't like shopping carts or strollers. She hates loud noises, and dislikes when people get into her personal space bubble.
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