My younger sister is going as an Indian (Native American) for Halloween, and I thought I'd make some jewelry to go with her outfit. She does so much for me, so I figured it might be nice to repay her in some way. =)
I saw this necklace on Anthropologie's website awhile ago and thought, "Ha, I could make that!" (Which is something I think about most of their necklaces) I just didn't know what to make it with. Until I found some old shell necklaces lying around..the kind they give out as favors at parties and such. Fun for a party, but just to wear? Not so much.
And this was SO easy. It took a bit of time to figure out how to do it, but I got it eventually. I'm sure there were better ways to go about it, but I'm rather please with how it turned out. & my sister likes it, so that's all that matters.
wow, beautiful!