Well, hello there! I'm Vicki, and welcome to my new little corner of the internet. I first started blogging in 2010, when I started my first blog, Decked Out in Ruffles, as a way to express myself and share my creative endeavors. That initial blog changed so much over the years, to the point where any initial focus was lost. Then my life was altered substantially in a short period of time--I graduated college, worked my first job, got married, had a baby, and bought a condo with my husband, all in the space of one year! Finally, I started to settle into the groove of my new life, and I thought about blogging again, and decided that if I was going to start again, it had to be from scratch, and I really had to throw myself into it. Now, after months of planning, I'm super excited (and a little intimidated) to be starting a fresh blog!
Something that's become really important to me over the past year is the concept of intentional living. Modern life is so cluttered and stressful, and being able to step back from all that, slow down, and breathe, is just so nice. Whether it's through being more conscious with time and what little money we have as a single-income family or with the items I bring into my home or the clothes that fill my wardrobe, I just wanted to approach everything with a more intentional outlook. And these concepts are what I want to focus on in this blog. I plan on sharing posts about my capsule wardrobe, beauty, decor for tiny spaces, and more. And I'll delve more into my philosophies for intentional living in later posts. For now, let's focus on getting to know each other!
Here's a bit about me:
I'm 23, born and bred in the Seattle area. My husband Josh and I were married on January 16th of this year, after just over two years of dating, and I gave birth to our daughter, Adelaide, on June 16th. We live in a darling little condo that's just over 700 square feet, and even though it's not a forever home, I love it to bits. Being a stay at home mom/homemaker is my jam, and I'm really hoping we'll be able to continue to make it work financially for me to stay home full-time.
I love my coffee and tea (black, please! unless we're splurging at Starbucks...), old movies, spinning vinyl, and board games (plus the occasional video game). Long walks in the woods are my favorite, especially when that glorious, Pacific Northwest fog is involved! Fall and winter are my favorite seasons, because I do love my oversized sweaters! HGTV is my favorite channel. I'm an Instagram and Pinterest addict, and I've spent an embarrassing amount of time scrolling through posts on Apartment Therapy. I am a big fan of thrifting and antiquing.
Feel free to introduce yourself in the comments! I'd love to get to know you. :)